Minutes of the 9th Igbo Union Stoke-on-Trent General Meeting – 15/10/2023

 Minutes of the 9th Igbo General Meeting held in Stoke-on-Trent at Sacred Heart Parish Hanley on October 15, 2023


  1. The 9th Igbo General Meeting, convened at Sacred Heart Parish Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent on October 15, 2023, commenced with an opening prayer led by Mr. Patrick Okiweluat at 4:30 p.m. This was followed by the traditional Iwa Oji, the breaking of the kola nut, conducted by Mr. Afam Okam (Agidi n’ Enugu Agidi), as is customary among Ndi Igbo. Following this special prayer, a few moments of silence were observed in remembrance of Mrs. Cordelia Nonye Dunuson, the mother of our general secretary, who peacefully passed away on September 27, 2023.
  2. Opening Remarks: The opening remarks were then made by the chairman, Anthony-Claret, who expressed gratitude to everyone for their invaluable contributions, be it advice, financial support, hard work, or resources, which significantly contributed to the success of the recent Iri ji, the celebration of the New Yam festival that took place on September 16, 2023. The chairman emphasized the need for prompt decision-making on key matters scheduled for discussion during the meeting and highlighted the success of the wedding celebration held on October 14, 2023, for one of our fellow brothers.
  3. Welfare Check: During the meeting, discussions centered around welfare checks. Various members shared their experiences while also emphasizing the importance of supporting each other, particularly newcomers to Stoke-on-Trent. They provided insights into the opportunities available in our work environment and the specific industries they were engaged in. The chairman highlighted the necessity for newcomers to equip themselves with valuable skills in areas such as IT, business, technology, mechanics, and other relevant fields. It was stressed that relying solely on temporary or provisional jobs should not be the ultimate goal. Instead, individuals should strive to acquire new skills that will ultimately lead to more rewarding and stable employment. To facilitate this process, the chairman generously offered his expertise and time to provide training in IT and other soft skills. In the long run, these newly acquired skills will empower individuals to secure fulfilling and prosperous careers
  4. Iri ji (celebration of New Yam) festival feedback: The chairman solicited input regarding the Iri ji festival, emphasizing the importance of conducting a retrospective to evaluate its successes and areas for improvement. He initiated the discussion by addressing several key points. Firstly, the chairman mentioned issues with the event venue. The hall managers declined to refund the refundable deposit initially paid, citing concerns about the venue’s cleanliness and safety. Specifically, participants at the event inadvertently triggered the safety alarm in the women’s restroom, resulting in damage while attempting to disable it. Consequently, the venue owners withheld the deposit, amounting to £100, to cover repair and cleaning expenses. Furthermore, there were complaints from certain dignitaries who felt that they were not adequately recognized by the Master of Ceremonies (MC), even though they were seated among the attendees rather than at the high table. Lastly, the police raised a concern about the lack of timely notification for such cultural events. They indicated a willingness to provide financial support but stressed the importance of receiving advance notice. Their provision for cultural events like ours is approximately £500 per event. This feedback and discussion are essential for enhancing the future organization of the Iri ji festival.
  5. During the meeting, several important points were raised. Mr. Eric emphasized the need to streamline our cooking approach to prevent unnecessary costs and excess leftover items. In response, Mr. Noel suggested exploring the option of outsourcing the entire cooking process, not just for a single item. Austin stressed the importance of timely acquisition of the necessary items to ensure efficient meal organization, particularly considering that some participants may have work commitments and would prefer not to cook. The chairman called for respect for those appointed to handle various tasks, addressing the poor attitude toward decorum observed at the previous event. He also highlighted the importance of better planning for future activities, including dance performances, the choice of cultural attire, and the inclusion of masquerades, even if they need to be sourced from Nigeria. Mr. Anthony emphasized the need for focused responsibility, encouraging individuals taking on tasks to concentrate on their roles, while everyone else should respect and support these efforts in alignment with the chairman’s directives.
    1. In another contribution, Mr. Elvin expressed concern about the disappearance of raw meat even before the event, deeming it quite concerning. Chairman Anthony Claret urged members to refrain from such behavior, as it reflects poorly on the organization.
    2. Mrs. Cynthia pointed out the need for increased women’s participation in the meetings due to the low attendance of female members. In response, the chairman assured that this issue would be addressed in subsequent meetings.
    3. Furthermore, Chidebere stressed the importance of early preparation for the festival to avoid any complications. Kenechukwu emphasized the significance of considering key elements like the DJ and MC, as their quality significantly contributes to a memorable experience
  6. Financial Statement and Report: The financial secretary, Mr. Ugonna, read out and explained the financial reports, which included the income from registration, the Iri Ji Festival, and thereafter, including the expenses during the festival and for the wedding of our brother, Mr. Chima Ugwuakposim, at the end. The sum of £1772.06 is the amount currently in our account as of today’s meeting, 15/10/23.
  7. Thereafter, Mr. Eric wanted to understand the modality for monthly payments. the chairman went on to explain that the payment is £5 per month which is done for a period of 10 months in a year, starting from when one joins the association. Mr Noel wanted to understand what really makes one a member. the chairman broke it down, to not just paying contributions; that alone doesn’t make you a member, as one must register, pay the due registration, attend meetings, and pay the monthly dues, he said that the process of registration and conditions has been updated and regularly posted on WhatsApp. In his own contributions, Elvis suggested regular private messages should be sent to people concerning the registration policy.
  8. Staffordshire police meeting; The chairman, Anthony-Claret, brought to the notice of members on the mail and the interest of the police community in interacting without hitches been discussed several times in our different meetings, even while they attended the Iri ji Festival. the idea is to have a workshop that will train both our community and the police, in areas, such as engagements, community policing and other areas as they arise. Therefore, a workshop was to be carved out in this respect, while members must try to be present, so as to boost our attendance report and our image, The executives in the last meeting agreed that there should be a committee set up for this and by default, they must be at the workshop.
  9. Kenechukwu was of the opinion that the workshop should be organized by the police while we would attend, Noel said that he was sure the police would really want to know the number of people attending. Dates were then suggested. Frankmore, the union’s PRO, suggested the 3rd week of November so as not to hamper the planning for the end of the year coming up in December. The chairman proposed the 11th of November, and members voted for either the 2nd week of November or the 3rd week of November to be given to the police to choose which is suitable for them. It was the chairman’s opinion that everyone should be present to give the police the necessary image and attendance benefits required of such a meeting, while if there are other questions or issues we wish to raise before the meeting, they would be included in the mail to be sent to them. He then reminded members that we must be our brother’s keeper, and on no account should we call out our brother or report them to the police, as things should be internally discussed, and resolved, especially on civil matters.
  10. Christmas events / End of the year; members voted that the end of the year should be a constant event in our Union’s calendar, as this brings a lot of closeness to ourselves. On this note, that a committee was formed for the end of the year and they were to get a hold of the event, The chairman suggested the 9th and 16th of December, while the majority voted for the 9th of December, which is now, the agreed date. Eric was of the opinion that the event should strictly be for members. Chukwuemeka Ozoalor pointed out that we should work with the number of active members; he also said we should all agree on what we need to contribute money on, and that should be done regularly so that we don’t contribute every time there is a breaking issue. At the end of the day, the end-of-year party committee was set up. Michael called for contribution to these effects, and how it affect marital status. Mr Elvis pointed out that contributions were a base and the base is for everyone, but although people can pay more, that is welcomed.
    1. While Noel, in supporting Mr. Elvis, encouraged members to pay up, irrespective of whether they were able to attend or not, including any levy that is brought forward, it was agreed that the dues for the end of the year would be £50.
    2. Members of the committee for the end of the year are as follows: End of the Year 2023 steering committee;
      1.  Elvis Nwankwor, Coordinator
      2. Anagu Uche: Vice Coordinator
      3. Noel Ezike
      4. Eric Udochukwu
      5. Chika Okpala
      6. Emmanuel Anoliefo
      7. Chukwuemeka Ozoalor
      8. Chima Ugwuakposim
      9. The executives are also part of the committee; the chairman encouraged all members to see themselves as being part of the committee.
  11. Hosting of meetings: We extend our gratitude to the hosts of this meeting, including Mr. Frank Moore, Mr. Patrick, Mr. Chidiebere, and Mr. Chinoso, for their warm hospitality. During the meeting, a discussion arose regarding how to organize future meetings. Mr. Chidiebere suggested merging meeting hosts based on individuals’ birthdays, but Mr. Elvis proposed that those celebrating their birthdays could simply join the hosting group and we should maintain the way we are currently handling it.At this juncture, we welcomed our first-time attendees, which included Mrs. Charity Ubah, Mr. Patrick Nwokocha, Mr. Simon Asafo, and Mr. Onyegbula Chibuezie. The chairman took a moment to explain the workings of the Union, the registration process, and the Union’s purpose. He expressed his appreciation for their presence.Forms were distributed to all members, and the chairman requested everyone to complete them. We now have an app and website that streamline all our activities. After submitting the filled forms, an email will be sent to each individual, enabling them to log in to the app. This information will also be shared in our WhatsApp group, allowing for online registration and automatic attendance tracking. Igbo Stoke-on-Trent has embraced digital innovation, making our activities more accessible and efficient. The app and website will provide details on income, expenditures, withdrawals, dues, statements, and minutes of meetings. The website will serve as a platform to showcase our activities and share newsletters, facilitating information sharing, idea exchange, networking, and access to opportunities.
  12. Constitution review:Mr. Anthony-Claret, our chairman, emphasized the significance of our constitution and the ongoing amendments during the meeting. He stressed that the constitution would undergo periodic revisions, making it a dynamic and evolving document. It was collectively agreed that members should engage in thorough reading and discussions, and more amendments should be considered.Given the substantial attendance at the meeting, Mr. Chukwuemeka Ozoalor proceeded to read a section of the constitution, focusing on the benefits for members. During this discussion, Mrs. Cynthia raised a valuable point, suggesting that providing monetary donations solely for individual children didn’t align with the celebration of life at each new birth. She proposed that newborn babies should receive gifts individually.Mr. Elvis expressed the view that gifts for new births should be contributed by union members. Mr. Chikadibia echoed this sentiment and further suggested that only active, financially up-to-date members should be eligible for such gifts. The majority of the assembly reached a consensus that every new birth should receive benefits from the union, as well as active members who are up-to-date with their financial commitments.

    These benefits would be funded from the collective contributions of members, and when it comes to childbirth, it will be from the union’s resources. It was agreed that benefits for members that will be from 200 pounds and above a  levy will be required from all members. For a levy of 200 pounds, members will contribute 5 pounds each. If it is a benefit that will be above 500 pounds, members will contribute  20 pounds. The levy amount would be set at five pounds for each such occasion

  13. AOB; Time Table/Action Plan;

(i) October 17, 2023*: Confirmation of the Workshop with Staffordshire Police (scheduled for either November 11 or November 18, 2023)

(ii) October 18, 2023*: Booking of the Hall for the Christmas End-of-Year Party (Responsibility: Elvis Nwankwor & Committee

(iii) October 21, 2023*: Executive Meeting

(iv) October 22, 2023*: Selection and Voting of two Uniforms for Iriji 2024

(v) October 27, 2023*: Confirmation of Hall Booking for Iriji (Tentative date: August 17 or August 24, 2024) (Responsibility: Austin Njioke & Excos)

(vi) November 11 or November 18, 2023*: Tentative dates for the Staffordshire/Igbo Union Workshop: First official Encounter

(vii) Biweekly* Zoom meetings for the Xmas End-of-Year Party Planning Committee

(viii) December 5, 2023*: Completion of the Christmas Levy Payment

(ix) December 9, 2023*: Mmechie Afo (End of Year 2023)

(x) December 24, 2023*: Hangout

(xi) February 17, 2024*: First Meeting of the Year

(xii) Hosting of Meeting of February 2024*

Chima Ugwuakposim (Coordinator)

Anagu Uche

Egbuche Patrick

Agbo Solomon

31st October 2023*- Migration of registered members to a privileged WhatsApp platform. @Note Please register on our website and pay your registration fee.


Benjamin Chiedozie Dunuson

Gen. Sect, Igbo Union Stoke-on-Trent

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1 reply on “Minutes of the 9th Igbo Union Stoke-on-Trent General Meeting – 15/10/2023”

  • It was a fantastic meeting indeed . Welldone beautiful people , and I am sorry that I couldn’t attend.

    Chioma Akushie

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