Igbo Union Stoke on Trent General Meeting Agenda -25-02-2024

Igbo Union Stoke on Trent General Meeting Agenda

  1. Opening Segment:
  • Opening Prayer & Welfare Check
  • Welcoming New Members and Introduction to Online Registration
  • Opening Remarks by the Chair
  1. Review of Previous Meeting and Outstanding Issues:
  • Minutes of the Last Meeting
  • Discussion on Last Year’s Outstanding Issues:
  • Member Benefits
  • Ratification of Our Constitution
  • End of Year Party Arrangements
  1. Updates and Plans for This Year:
  • Financial Update: Payment of Dues, Levies, etc.
  • This Year’s Plans Overview
  • Constitution Ratification Process
  1. Cultural Events and Activities:
  • Iriji Festival Planning: Date, Time, Place (Hall, Warehouse, Field), Dignitaries to Invite, Food Arrangements
  • Summer Picnic Details
  • Purchase of a Masquerade Costume
  • Uniforms for Men and Women
  • Dance Practice and Choreography for Women and Men
  1. Community and Health Initiatives:
  • Implementing the Health Initiative
  • Sports Activities: Scheduled Group Jogging, Novelty Football Match
  • Health Seminar and Health Check Reminder
  1. Professional and Personal Development:
  • Seminars/Peptalks: Health, Family, Policing, Job, Mortgage, Credit Cards, Real Estate Partnerships
  • Job Opportunities and Career Development
  1. Funding and Sponsorship:
  • Strategies for Corporate Sponsorship
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Representation of Members in Various Roles (Magistrate, Police, Government Agencies)
  1. Communication and Engagement:
  • Newsletter for Our Website
  • Hosting of Future Meetings
  1. Closing Section:
  • Other Matters for Discussion
  • Closing Remarks and Adjournment

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