Minutes of the 7th Igbo Union Stoke-on-Trent General Meeting – 20/08/2023

Igbo 7th general meeting held on the 20th of August 2023 @ Sacred Heart parish Hanley Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3DB

1) Opening prayer was said by FrankMoore at 1645 p.m.
The chairman welcomed all present, informed us of some excuses and absenteeism due to personal and official engagements. He continued with the introduction of members present which included new members like Mr. Chima, Mrs. Julia, Mr. Chikadibia, Mr. Chidebere, Mr. Ebuka, Mr. Patrick, Mr. Chinonso and his amiable wife, Mr. Chibuike and many others.
Furthermore, the chairman pleaded with members to always show interest in the activities of the Union and face during the various events to be organized, while also frowning at late coming especially as we pay for the hours we stay to hire the hall. He also tried to see and ask after various members, more especially in regards to their welfare as well.
2) Reading of minutes the Secretary; Benjamin Chiedozie Dunuson Read the minutes for the previous meeting, after no corrections made, motion for adoption was moved by Mr. Nnedozie and supported by Mr. Daniel, our constitution committee chairman.
Matters arising; The registration of the association is still pending on the council due to the demand or request for a statement of account covering one year. The chairman informed members that an account had been successfully opened at Lloyds Bank and the signatures included Austin, Benjamin, Ugonna and Anthony-Claret. Only two persons are to sign out and will draw too.
Mr. Antony-Claret
also said that this account will help to fast-track the formal registration with the council as soon as possible as that is the only outstanding demand for registration with the council.
3) New Yam Festival; The chairman informed members that invitation card has been printed as well as posters while we’re still working on the banner, so we can have more sponsors coming on the banner. Thanks to the committee. He also informed members that we are expecting huge diverse dignitaries from various parts of the city council, UK, and beyond Europe possibly. We also would be having the police department in attendance, as they’ve indicated an interest in coming closer to different African Communities to learn about their cultures and sundry. And cut down on biased activities as obviously and allegedly attributed to them.
 Although this event has been fixed for 16th of September, according to the chairman members are not showing enough motivation while our guests are ready and will be expecting so much from us, it would be in our best interests and our favour to not fail them or show poor participation as our support.
In his robust contributions, Mr. Ebuka asked to know what the cost would be and outlines of the programs for that day. The chairman in his reply, informed all, that the fees have been fixed by the committee at £50 flat, while special donations can also be given.
 In terms of membership registration which was enquired about by Mr. Ebuka still, because he was new to the meeting, he pleaded for an extension of membership registration beyond October, especially for new persons.
The Secretary brought to his notice, that that has been agreed in previous meetings and registration is £10 while £5 will be the monthly due. Paid only for 10 months in the year, from February to November each year.
Henceforth, all the new payments will now be made through the account which is on the platform, and a screenshot sent to the financial secretary, Mr. Ugonna.
Still on it, Mr. Chidiebere in his contributions, was of the opinion that if people who are members are paying in bulk for the annual dues, they can have some deductions as a sort of incentive.
While the idea was applauded by people present, this matter was to be discussed at the EXCO’s next meeting as soon as possible. Though that is likely to start counting from next year. While in a quick reaction, Mr. Daniel, was very strong and emphatic in his support for the New Yam festival, “I want to say this will be done!” He said.
While equally applauding the efforts of the chairman and the committee and praying for each success. He reiterated that members must see this as an opportunity to build a stronger Union and showcase our culture beyond and above within the council.
Some activities were debated to be included for the New Yam festival such as; news in Igbo language delivered by the chairman kids, cultural dance, breaking of kola nuts, cutting of the yam, fashion parade, cultural attire, and our food, while the food would be prepared by the efforts and help of our women, married and single. The women now equally have a WhatsApp group and have held their first zoom meeting. The link would be made available for more women, singles, and married to join, while the men should do well to inform their partners, friends, and family members.
 The men would do the roasting of the yam as well and other key activities. Mrs. Julia, who runs the new Igbotic kitchen, promised to get in touch with the women and support with the food too.
Mr. Chikadibia made profound contributions and appeal, that there is a need to bring in our traditions and Culture that day, especially as regards to marriage the rules, and show of many more. Mr. Emmanuel Anoliefo, Mr. frankMore and Mr. Emeka (our hypeman) to be involved in the outline of the activities, and possibly instrumentals too, like Igba and oja.
At the end, it was agreed that payment for the new festival should be sent within the next one week, to help with the planning of the Activity by all members. In his own opinion, Mr. Chikadibia also explained that, we also need to manage time that day, maybe have someone who can narrate or break down the activities behind the New Yam festival and if possible have a media coverage for the event.
Although the committee explained that, we might not have funds for the media coverage, but will be having a banner to be displayed at various locations such as the marketplace, the Africa’s stores and others.
 The chairman called for people to help in the distribution of the posters and invitation cards, he also informed members that some persons have indicated interest in sponsoring the banner, so as to have their business face on it. He also said, everyone must try and pay, so it doesn’t look as if others pay, then others cone to just participate. This ranges between £50 to £100 to advertise on our banner.
 At this point, it was brought to the notice of members, that Wolverhampton Igbo Union is inviting every and sundry to their own New Yam festival, which will be on 9th of September 2023 members are agreed to attend and to coordinate with the chairman Antony-Claret and Frank Moore the PRO, while this would an opportunity to support them as they plan to also attend ours the following week.
The chairman Antony-Claret, enquired if their are members who are interested in volunteering for different tasks and rules for that day, although the committee have been distributing different tasks among themselves before now, we need more hands.
Reacting, Mr. Patrick, Mr. Chika, Mr. Chikadibia, Mr. Chima and Mr. Chukwudi volunteered for Usher, while Mr. Patrick also volunteered to get or to work on getting a sound system as the ones were used to having may not be feasible for that day.
 Meanwhile several donations were made towards supporting the New Yam Festival,
  1. Mr. Chima donated £100 pledged, which properly will be redeemed before the end of the meeting, also his registration and and annual dues of £60.
  2. Mr. Ebuka paid Cash of £60 for registration and annual dues, and pledged £100 for the new yam Festival.
  3. Transfer by Mr. Chukubuike of £100 as support,
  4. Mr. Chidebere paid £10 for registration,
  5. Mr. Chinonso and his wife paid £5 and redeemed £15 as registration fees, while Mr. Daniel increased his initial £50 donation to £100.
4) AOB; Benjamin the secertary informed people of the different opportunities being in the platform and encouraged people to take advantage of it while also appreciating the various support members have been given like Mr. FrankMore for providing his house for accommodation on new single persons till the can sort their accommodation. The chairman also, and many others, for various support to members. Mr. Chidiebere called for members to have regular sports, and this should be organized between members or even between different Igbo unions within us or closer to us so as a way of our exercise and with the hope of bringing out more people to participate in the activities, and the way of bonding.
 This idea was well received as the PRO was directed to work towards kickstarting it ASAP. Dr. Chukwujekwu reminded the Secretary to try and pass more information and communications to members, while also maintaining a strong database for easy accessibility. It was applauded and well received.
The chairman informed the union of having created a website for our activities which can be followed by the public as our activities would be shared regularly on it.
 The hosting for the next meeting in October will be by Mr. FrankMore, Mr. Patrick Mr. Chidebere and Mr. Chinoso. Today’s hosting were led by Mr. Austin Mr. Daniel Mr. Elvis and Mr. Nnedozie. We appreciated them for giving us a befitting hosting with food and drinks for every member present, including those to take home. An adjournment was moved by Dr. Chukwujekwu Odumegu and Mr. Patrick supported him
5) Closing prayer was done by the Secretary Benjamin Chiedozie Dunuson at 7 o’clock p.m.

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